Will McRaney blasts Jonathan Howe for publishing falsehoods about him
Will McRaney blasted Jonathan Howe and Baptist Press for publishing demonstrably false statements about him. McRaney challenged Baptist Press in an Open Letter released this morning.
McRaney writes, “Danny de Armas’s claim in BP that I ever refused to respond or to meet is false. de Armas was either given false information or he intentionally lied to BP staff, BP readers and Southern Baptist partners. The fact is Ezell is the one who has not meet with me in the 2 face-to-face engagements since my complaints, one required by the courts.”
The statement at issue was made in a story published by Howe and Baptist Press December 15, 2020.
McRaney went on to point out that Baptist Press under Howe is publishing only partial information about the case and claims made by NAMB and ERLC lawyers. He said, “You are publishing partial and deceptive information to SBC givers and partners. That is very troubling.”
McRaney challenged other aspects of BP’s reporting.
“We continue to read “NAMB denies,” or “ERLC says”. When will you and BP get statements from Ezell and Moore on the record as you publish what they say on other matters and legal cases? If they are innocent, they would have no fear of the truth,” McRaney said in the open letter.
You can read the entire letter here. You can also find more background on McRaney’s legal case against Kevin Ezell and the North American Mission Board at McRaney’s website—including documentation that Ezell is a liar.
It should come as no shock that Howe published falsehood to defend an SBC Elite. Howe was involved in the publication of the infamous lie from Baptist Press that George Soros had nothing to do with the National Immigration Forum (NIF) and the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT). This is false and making Howe’s lie even more hilarious was how Baptist Press quoted the NIF spokesman who also wrote a blog on the Evangelical Immigration Table for….George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
Howe is a known liar. Why does Ronnie Floyd and the SBC Executive Committee allow him to publish blatant propaganda?