Professor Carol M. Swain of Vanderbilt University blasted black Southern Baptist leaders for racializing the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee’s investigation of Dr. Russell Moore.
In a Facebook post linking to an SBC Voice blog, Dr. Swain wrote, “The concerns about Dr. Moore go beyond his criticisms of Donald Trump. I believe they are related his purported ties to Soros-funded groups and his failure to disclose his party affiliation in his attacks against candidate Trump. No one should be surprised that black leaders would racialize the investigation. It is not unreasonable to expect the head of an ethics commission to set a high standard for transparency. #Baptist #Russellmoore.”
Professor Swain is a professor of Political Science and Law at Vanderbilt University since 1999, and attends Forest Hills Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Swain has written numerous books ranging from the subjects of white nationalism to immigration.
On her Be The People website, Dr. Swain describes her faith, “I am a follower of Jesus Christ who believes faith in Him should be evidenced by a lifestyle that reveals his influence on our lives. I honor and respect God’s Word as revealed in the Judeo-Christian Bible. I believe our nation has been exceptional because of the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, as reflected in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.”
You can read Dr. Swain’s blog online at Be The People TV.
The SBC Voices blog referenced by Dr. Swain focused on the differences in political thinking between white and black Southern Baptists. “Trying to find a SBC minority person, who would object to Moore’s published statements on the above three items, would be like attempting to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. Minorities in the SBC are ecstatic about Moore and his leadership…“Russell Moore’s ‘tone’ is offensive to the base constituency of the SBC, but his text is a breath of fresh air for those of us who have longed for the SBC to address matters of race and justice. He is anomaly in the SBC on race, and therefore he has to suffer for his ‘tone’ while many of us celebrate his text.” SBC Voices wrote.
Professor Swain’s comments on transparency make up an important part of the complaints about the ERLC and Dr. Moore. The ERLC and other SBC entities have failed to answer church questions despite repeated attempts. The ERLC and other SBC entities have failed to answer church questions despite repeated attempts
Thanks for adding some sanity into this debate.
Carol Swain is correct. Nearly everyone I know is against Moore because of his ties to Soros-funded groups such as the open-borders Evangelical Immigration Table.
The same with David Platt. The reason why so many people want Russell Moore and David Platt gone is because both of them support the Third World immigration and refugee invasion of the USA.
It’s time to get rid of these Soros-funded globalists and get some true leaders in their positions.
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Mcswain is correct. Now even the pushback by rank and file Southern Baptists against this racializing is being censored and removed by The SBC pastor/editors of their blog sites. They cry “unity” when they are scared to death to even entertain open dialogue on the matter.
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