That’s right. For your viewing pleasure, AL.com wants to show you Alabama fans amid a disappointing loss. There are 93 pictures featured in the piece, showing photo after photo of Alabama fans at the game as Alabama lost to Ole Miss.
Need we say more about the state media?
As we’ve made it known here, the Birmingham News, heavily affiliated with the online media conglomerate, is run by an Auburn graduate. And if this piece leaves any doubt as to what the focus is, you just don’t know how to decipher doubt.
Look, even if you’re reading this and you relished every second of the Alabama loss…even if you hate Alabama with everything in your being, you can’t deny that a piece like this is extremely telling. Especially when we’ve never, EVER seen anything like this against Auburn and its fans.
If I were one of the people used in the piece to poke fun at my alma mater and its fans, my attorney would be getting a call today. Admission to a game is not a free license to use someone’s likeness in an attempt to relish in the defeat of a hated rival. And make no mistake, to AL.com, Alabama IS a hated rival.
The photographer for the feature was Ben Flanagan, with an email address listed as bflanagan@al.com.
(Follow ITK on Twitter for Bama news, commentary and smack.)
what else would you expect? let them revel in someone elses victory over bama! the season isnt lost let em talk because all roads lead through tuscaloosa! they havent won a damn thing exept a game over a pieced together LSU team!
Alabama is sill capable of winning, and if the Tide overcomes the loss and makes the playoffs, it will be a very special season indeed. Good news is unbeaten have fallen like flies and more are sure to fall.
As far as al.com yeah I see your point.
What’s worse is the JD Crowe cartoon captioning contest he as Saban in an SM outfit wit a dog collar and a whip and battle ax
Saban is going to put beat down on his payers for the loss, he will go back to business 24 hour rule win or lose, he will get them ready for Arkansas
Sorry… NOT going to put beat down on players…. Saban will prepare his team for next game NOT punish them for a game that is over
You lost and your still talking about Auburn…Digging for some more conspiracy theories..Poor wittle GUMP,the whole world is just being so mean to you right now..You just stir shit up out of nowhere,spin half truths,and bash other programs and players,all done to incite the “ONE TOOTHED MIGHTY GUMP ARMY” Worry about your own damn program and quit deflecting from the real issues here,you just arent as good as you think…You all screamed and hollered when you beat A weak Florida team,tried to pump that victory up as if Florida was A dominant team this year.You all are getting the lynch mobs formed right now and putting on your your white pillow cases(well dingy stained brown and yellow)and getting ready to run Lane Kiffin (the savior)and Blake Sims(as I hear alot of your fans call him,”our black quarterback”,not even mentioning him by name)All those elite 5 star studs,getting beat by A bunch of 3 and some 4 star players..You people and your mythical recruiting ational championships,how damn goofy
florida would beat LSU hands down! i mean if awbarn is sooooo awesome and should beat everyone like a drum then why did the corndogs fall out of the polls? heres the answer…… THEY ARENT ANY GOOD! So keep running ya mouth cock knocker the barn has accomplished anything either!
Ben Flanagan is a Bama graduate. I graduated with him & his brother. However, MOST employees of the ‘News are Auburn grads including Industry & Entertainment reporters. Kevin Scarbinsky is a HUGE Auburn fan as is Pam Siddell
ITK, the info for your diatribe is a little dated. You guys should really stop living in the past. You’ll have to start dreaming up some new conspiracies. No Auburn grad is running things…
Matt Sharp – President – Nebraska grad
Michell Holmes – VP Content – Stanford grad
He’s just lashing out right now. Bama fans are angry. And its really bothering them knowing there are better teams than Ole Miss left on the schedule.
It’s a rag just like he AJC here in Georgia
AU.COM And I know for a fact that scab is a full blooded barner fan. My friends have been around him.
Boycott Al.com sponsors.
beat ole miss but could not beat the fix
Yeah, the fix was very apparent when that blatant face mask penalty wasn’t called with the ref staring directly at it.
comes as no shock to me.
it’s this kind of bias that drove me to quit the paper after shula was fired.
if it were left up to the snooze sports reporters at the time shula would have been retained as they were openly advocating exactly that. that led me to start reading nthe other sections of the paper with a more critical eye.
seven years later, i’m more correctly informed with a little more change in my pocket and not theirs.
OMG! A Newspaper shows Alabama fans during a college football game! How dare they!
Jeez, you Bama fans take crying to a whole new level.
How do you know this was at the end of the game? This could have been during a timeout when Bammer was still ahead. They could be watching the Rebel Black Bear thingy do flips. From what I can tell, it shows Alabama fans watching the Ole Miss/UAT game. That’s it. And really, who cares about that?
This is dumb, they are just trying to get a reaction from fans. Plus, any program that loses a game they should have won would be disappointed.
Waaaaaahhhhh!!! Waaaambulance!!!!
ITK loves to drive it home when Bama wins but is a little girl with his dolly in the mud when they lose. Poor ITK loser. You get no breaks buttmunch considering how you act towards other teams.
I’m not asking for a break from goobers like yourself. Everyone in the West is getting at least one loss this season, including Auburn this weekend.
But the state media is incredibly biased in the opposite direction of Alabama. That’s a foul.
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