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Saban not counting on Alabama repeat just yet

Nick Saban cracked a few jokes and even some smiles, deadpanning about the players’ poor execution of his celebratory Gatorade bath. And it didn’t take long for him to start looking ahead to the challenges Alabama faces. (read the entire AP report embedded in this post.)

10 thoughts on “Saban not counting on Alabama repeat just yet”

  1. I hear the BCS Trophy is going to be displayed at Walmart; you just can’t make this stuff up.

    What are you Morons going to do; wrap it in toilet paper and stack boxes of Tide around it? Here’s an idea, put it in the book/magazine section; this is the least busy place in the store since Bammer Morons can’t read!

    The Bammer grads stocking shelves at Walmart can see it on their smoke break and have a picture taken beside it so they can buy a frame and give the picture to momma for Mother’s Day. I bet the Blue Collar Comedy Tour guys will get years of material from this!!

  2. It’s sad to see Colin Peek and Johnson go. I believe that Cody and Arenas are going too (sr.) — must fill these gaps — special teams are my biggest concern next year (err, this year) — who will take up two guys like Cody did? Just a couple of questions that we will get answers to against the Penn State opener. Why would any head Coach want to “promise” another season like that — I know I wouldn’t but I’m sure deep down he knows we got a chance. RTR!!!!

  3. Yep.
    Wal Mart.
    And why not?
    More people shop at Walmart and this is a chance to let them see it.
    On the up side, This is probably the only chance an Auburn fan will ever get to see it.
    So cheer up little Indiana Vol.

  4. You might be.
    Whats wrong with Walmart?
    It is an American chain that shops and buys American goods first.
    Its not like that Frenchy frou frou place called Target. It offers the common consumer the best available prices and it is pretty damn convenient.
    There isnt a Walmart within 9,000 miles of where I live at. But if there was one, I would shop there.
    Sorry, if Walmart disagrees with you and your elitist snobbery.
    By the way where do you shop? Target? Or are you one of these guys who shops at the Mall and pervs on the teenage girls?
    Seriously, where do you shop?
    I can fly over and buy on Rodeo drive, or run down to South Crenshaw and hit the Walmart. I am usually much happier with the walmart. Because there is a lot less attitude.
    Also, ( a little lesson in economics for you) Walmart drives the American economy. If it were to shut down,The U.S.A would probably go bankrupt.
    Think about it the next time you are spending $1,000 for a flat screen. Elsewhere (in othere countries)it costs at least 3 times that much.

  5. Indiana was the first in line.He hat his hat turned backward and all his school colors on jumping up and down with his wife and family.He looked to be very excited.Hang in there son your school will get one some day, LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  6. I saw news footage of the Wal-Mart debacle and I wished I would of went and got a picture taken of me holding up the Coaches trophy. That would of been a sweet frame for the man cave.

  7. You know, I had my picture made by Dr. Pepper marketing reps while at the SEC Fanfare. You could also have it made in Pasadena at the ESPN Tailgate.

    So, Inni Vol, if your beloved Vols hadn’t sucked so fucking bad and lost all those games, you might have had your picture made with the Trophy too. The point being, I didn’t have to go to the Tuscaloosa Wal-Mart, but I’m glad it was on display there. There are a lot of people that can’t afford to go to a home game, much less the SEC Championship or the Rose Bowl. We in Alabama like to share the wealth of glory, just not with Tennessee fans. We are only out to kick your fucking face in.

    Fuck you Vol.

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