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Another newspaper dies

AP: The Rocky Mountain News will publish its last edition Friday. Owner E.W. Scripps Co. announced on the newspaper’s Web site Thursday that its search for a buyer for the paper was unsuccessful. “Today the Rocky Mountain News, long the leading voice in Denver, becomes a victim of changing times in our industry and huge economic challenges,” Scripps CEO Rich Boehne said. Scripps said the paper lost $16 million last year.

As newspapers across the country die, it has me thinking about the newspaper business in Alabama. One wonders how many newspapers in this state would cease publication if the government ended its welfare for newspapers known as legal advertisements? In this time of economic crisis, government shouldn’t waste money publishing useless announcements in newspapers when the same announcements could be published on the Internet for a fraction of the cost.

The rest of the Rocky Mountain News obit is embedded below.

4 thoughts on “Another newspaper dies”

  1. Warbloggle is an Idiot

    Dude, I’m aware that this is your blog, that it’s a dead time of the year(what is this basket with ball of which you speak?) and that you like to relish the failure of old technology in the face of modern times, but how many of these stories do we have to see?

    I get it. In the current economic climate where bulls caused a stampede of bears that knocked over trees and dammed the river of credit we are seeing businesses fail due to non-existent lines of credit.

    Newspapers are no different than any other business.

    However, newspapers will be around for the foreseeable future. They are cheap, disposable, and interesting to their customers. I don’t see them dying off until a wireless internet application can be purchased for 10 bucks a year that reads as large as the Bham News.

  2. I’m just trying to entertain myself. I find the media and especially newspapers a fascinating topic. I’ve cried at the demise of newspapers for the last decade, but I never imagined newspapers could go through what we are seeing now.

    I don’t think they will ever go away. I think they will change and many small papers will die.

    But back to entertaining myself…I had thought about starting a stock picking topic, but that would just make everyone sad.

  3. War Bloggle is an Idiot

    No problem. You’ve done a good job with this blog. I enjoy the way you make sure that the Barner’s are held accountable for their BS.

    I just hope you are getting paid a lot of money for the Acai Berry Ads.

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