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Friday ponderings

It has been a long week. Here are a few sports and other ponderings as we head toward the weekend.

Saban knows the rules
Nick Saban used video teleconferencing to circumvent the ban on coaches visiting schools during the spring evaluation period. Kevin Scarbinsky’s column today explains why its legal, and how shrewd Saban is…he’s actually read the rules.

Alabama assistant coach Curt Cignetti visited Athens High, which has a Distance Learning Lab that allows Athens students to take online classes by using a live webcam.

Cignetti left behind a web address that Ming used to log on later that day and spend 15-20 minutes talking, through the webcam, with Saban, who was in his office in Tuscaloosa.

Athens High Coach Allen Creasy, who witnessed the conversation, called it “a first from a recruiting standpoint” for his school.

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Since this isn’t against NCAA rules, could we expect the lazy Tommy Tuberville to lobby the Public Service Commission to regulate the state telephone lines? Maybe he’ll write his congressman or senator? I hear the government likes to hold hearings about the BCS. Maybe they’ll hold hearings into how bad Saban is for using video teleconferencing.

Alabama players prep for draft
As the draft nears, players are trying to improve their NFL appeal. First off, earlier this week Wallace Gilberry was named a Draft Gem by USA Today. One other quick item about USA Today. According to the Nation’s Newspaper, since 1988, Alabama has produced 164 draft picks. Georgia has produced 281, Mississippi 133, Tennessee 91, Arkansas 48, Florida 541, and Texas 568. Of course California has produced the most with 699. Check out the interactive map.

Ian Rapoport provided an insight in the background of the NFL draft—a background where players try to show they aren’t Pac Man-like.

That’s especially true for players like DJ Hall, who faced discipline issues while in college.

“It every case, these guys know chapter and verse of everything every guy has ever done,” coach Nick Saban said. “That’s their job. These guys have the kind of competitor character that you need to make an NFL team.”

Speaking of the draft
How big is the NFL draft? Even the Wall Street Journal provides some coverage. Here’s a video of OSU’s Vernon Gholston and Arkansas’ Darren McFadden—from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

Propst hires defensive coordinator
Jack Hines, the former Clemson assistant who started Ola’s football program in 2006, has resigned to become the defensive coordinator at Colquitt County under Rush Propst, the AJC reported.

Riley’s tax grab
Investor’s Business Daily published a stinging rebuke for Alabama’s governor Bob Riley. While Riley appears business friendly, there are blemishes to his record. Once such blemish was his support of massive tax increases during his first term. That was defeated, and he recast himself in conservative tones. Today, Riley and Alabama’s idiotic legislature are trying to tax oil companies. This op-ed from IBD puts it bluntly: “Riley & Co. have borrowed the economically illiterate rhetoric of the left.” Trust me. This is worth reading. It explains how small policy decisions can reak havoc on the larger economy.

12 thoughts on “Friday ponderings”

  1. Capstone-

    Do you feel that these video conferences are worth counting as a visit? My initial thought is that I would rather the coach save his visits for face to face contact, but I haven’t really thought that much about it.

    As for this rule being changed at a later date…I don’t see why it would be. It seems like a legit form of contact that will be monitored effectively by several groups.

  2. I think these are a good thing for coaches and players. Just like the quotes in Scarbinsky’s column from the high school. You get the benefit of seeing each other eye-to-eye. That’s really cool.

    I doubt the rule will be changed; however, we all know the bureaucrats at the NCAA (just like bureaucrats in government) like to make rules. So, I guess we’ll just have to see.

  3. I am obviously biased, but I think the video confrences are great idea. I think that is obvious how communication will work in the future.


    The article regarding taxes was very interesting. I live in Georgia, and we face a similar situation. We had an alleged drought this summer, and we were put on water restrictions. People reduced their level of consumption of water, and thus the government raised less money. Of course, the goverment responded in the only way they know how, they raised prices. There have been other states and cities that have been hit with this througout the South.

    Taxes run counterintuitive to the way a free market should work. I think you will see more of this in local goverments in the next year or two as tax revenue decreases due to the slowing in the economy. Goverment is the only institute that does not have to cut its spending when their revenues decrease.

  4. Governments should learn that increased prices yields lower consumption. But they’ll never learn that lesson because they keep their jobs regardless of performance.

  5. Anyone want to bet that either one of our slovenly SEC coaches or some NCAA priss-o-crat will say he’s defying the “spirit” of the law?

  6. Pingback: » Saban Gets Around Rule Made to Reign Him In

  7. It’s very odd that the Capstone has become another stooge of Big Oil. Please keep in mind the well documented fraud of Exxon cheating Residents of Millions in Royalties will live in Infamy – along with the bought and paid for State Supreme Court that sanctioned the Theft.
    Ask somebody the next time they fill up whether they give a damn about the poor oil companies having to pay more.
    Stick to Sports and stay away from being an stooge of Big Oil and the Alabama Business Council.

  8. Great, so now anybody who criticizes ostacles to economic growth is nothing more than a stooge for corporations. That makes as much sense as me saying Gov. Riley’s in the tank for Hugo Chavez.

  9. Wow, I’m now a shill for Big Oil. 🙂

    I’d have run that story whether it was Big Oil or Wal-Mart being taxed.

    The worst thing you can do during an economic downturn is raise taxes. During a recession, government should cut taxes and increase spending. That’s why you have a balanced budget during the good years, so you can run a deficit in the bad times.

    But back to the Investor’s Business Daily column. You can’t raise taxes without the cost of the tax being passed on to the consumer.

    That’s simple economics. The corporation doesn’t really pay the tax—the people who buy the products pay the tax. But taxing Big Oil just sounds all populist.

  10. Damn proud to be the Populist Sir. I wish it was simple economics and not the usual hidden agenda. Consider this – when Riley can get a Bipartisan Coalition of “everybody” that matters to advocate the new tax on Big Oil – That makes my argument.
    To hell with Politics – let’s call it a day and go after that Aubie Ass.

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