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Join an amicus brief to stop the lies of SBC Elites

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The last time Will McRaney’s case was before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals the ERLC and NAMB worked together to lie to the 5th Circuit justices. The case is again before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and who knows what lies they will try to tell this time. However, you can stand up and join a grassroots amicus brief to let the appeals court know the truth about the SBC. Here are the details about how you can sign on to the brief.

Via Randy Adams. Breaking News regarding Amicus Brief: Dr. Barry Hankins, a Baptist historian, provided an expert opinion to US courts in a lawsuit filed by Dr. Will McRaney against NAMB. Hankins wrote, “If NAMB’s interpretation of the First Amendment prevailed, every Baptist entity that cooperates in any way with the SBC would be put at risk.” Because of this, I am leading an effort to submit an amicus brief to the US 5th Circuit Court, defending the autonomy and independence of every Baptist church, association and convention. Many Baptist pastors, associational leaders, and convention leaders have already said they want their name on the brief that will be filed on Tuesday, November 7. If you want to be added to the brief send me your name, position title, and place of service. Include past service of association, state or national convention, including trustee service. I need your info by 4:00 PM Eastern Time on Monday, November 6. Email me at to be included in this vital effort. Dr. Hankins wrote, “It is my opinion as a scholar of Church-State relations in the US that NAMB’s First Amendment defense in this case, if accepted by the courts, would actually undermine religious liberty rather than safeguard it.”

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