Lawyer threatens SBC President Bart Barber and his sidekick Todd Benkert for attempting to contact his client during a lawsuit against the Southern Baptist Convention.
SBC President Bart Barber and his sidekick Todd Benkert are allegedly harassing an alleged abuse survivor in hopes she will drop her lawsuit against the SBC or commit suicide, her attorney alleged in a bombshell Twitter thread. Robert G. Callahan II, an attorney representing an alleged sex abuse survivor in a lawsuit against several Southern Baptist Convention entities, alleged that SBC Elites including Barber and Benkert were inappropriately attempting to contact his client in hopes she would either drop the lawsuit or kill herself.
“This is written notice to @bartbarber @keahbone @jnelson @toddbenkert: Quit contacting @abby_e_o & HK w/ the ‘we care for you’ schtick. If you care, you & the EC can vote to settle your suits next week. 7 figures. Further contact may be reported as harassment for prosecution,” said Hannah-Kate Williams’s attorney Robert G. Callahan II.
He continued, “Lemme explain how dark this is: The foolishness of directly contacting a party in a suit is too great, too unethical to be accidental. Thus, IMO, the strategy is to guilt HK into dismissing suit or push her into a mental break & unaliving herself – literally killing the suit.”
In other words, this lawyer believes the “We Care About You” to sex abuse victims is just an act—a cheap shtick for bad motives. And who could blame the lawyer for thinking this (regardless of what one might think of the merits of the underlying lawsuit) given that SBC Elites used Hannah-Kate Williams in a PR stunt for political gain.
Then after exploiting Hannah-Kate Williams, SBC Elites abandoned the alleged sex abuse survivor.
Benkert is a member of SBC’s Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force. He was appointed to that post by his good friend SBC President Bart Barber. Benkert mentions Bart Barber in the voice mail left for Hannah-Kate Williams in the transcript of a message posted by Callahan.
Also, Benkert posted a call to make autonomous local Baptist churches pay for sex abuse at other autonomous Baptist churches—churches that have no control over one another or any other connection other than pooling money for missions.
Considering these claims come from an alleged sex abuse survivor, are these now credible claims that SBC Elites are abusing an abuse victim?
Regardless of what one thinks of the underlying abuse allegations, are SBC Elites like Bart Barber living up to their own “We Care About Abuse Survivors” rhetoric? Or, is it all shtick just as the lawyer said?