A plot to harm conservative SBC leader Tom Buck involves numerous connections to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary including professor Karen Swallow Prior and SEBTS President Danny Akin.
Karen Swallow Prior blamed the victim and refused to Tom & Jennifer Buck.
SEBTS professor Karen Swallow Prior was one of a few who saw a rough draft of a blog post by Jennifer Buck that was weaponized to harm conservative Southern Baptist Pastor Tom Buck.
According to a statement from FBC Lindale, SEBTS professor Karen Swallow Prior “said that she had refused to verify the rough draft and that she didn’t think it was right to publish. Jennifer pleaded with Karen to tell them who came to her, citing how wicked it was to twist a wife’s words to weaponize them against her husband. Karen refused to give the name of the one who came to her.”
Pay special attention here: Karen Swallow Prior refused to name the person who had an unauthorized copy of this private draft.
The draft was sent to Karen Swallow Prior in 2018, according to a timeline and a statement released by Tom Buck and his fellow elders of First Baptist Church of Lindale, Texas.
Not only did Karen Swallow Prior refuse to help Tom and Jennifer Buck, but she also blamed the victim.
According to the church statement, Karen Swallow Prior “laid the blame at Jennifer’s feet by saying, ‘They were your words, Jennifer. And my mom said you should never put in writing what you don’t want the whole world to read.’”
In desperation, Tom and Jennifer Buck approached SEBTS President Daniel Akin. Akin at first promised to help and get them the information within two days of the April 1 phone call; however, as of April 19, this has not been provided.
According to the statement, “Tom and Jennifer reached out that same night (April 1) to Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Karen’s boss. They pleaded for his help…He agreed that the situation was awful and promised to have Karen give them the information within 48 hours. He has yet to provide that information.”
And the statement asked the SEBTS trustees to take action—specifically to investigate the involvement of Karen Swallow Prior and Daniel Akin in this scandal.
“We believe the trustee board of SEBTS should look further into the involvement of Karen Prior and Dr. Akin,” the statement said.
Why was it leaked?
Jennifer Buck’s rough draft was weaponized after Deacongate swamped Willy Rice.
According to the statement from Tom Buck and his fellow elders, “Tom received a phone call on March 31 asking him if he was ‘trying to destroy Willy Rice,’ who had accepted a nomination for president of the SBC. On April 1, just hours after Willy Rice made a public announcement about removing a deacon in his church after he was contacted by ‘a pastor in another state,’ Tom received a phone call asking him if Jennifer had written a blog post about him having abused her. He was told that what Jennifer had written had been sent to several news outlets. It became apparent that Jennifer’s 2018 rough draft had been leaked.”
More to come on this explosive story.