McLean Bible Church Apologist produces shocking video of MBC pastor saying he has issues with white evangelicals.
The Lead Pastor of Culture and Preaching at McLean Bible Church is on video saying that he wants to “torch white people,” especially white evangelicals. Salvador Cordova, a member of the Apologetics Ministry leadership team at McLean Bible Church, released video evidence of the racially charged comment made by one of McLean Bible Church’s top pastors.
In the video Mike Kelsey says, “Totally honest, being angry about the situation but it is difficult for me sometimes not to just torch all white people because particularly white evangelicals and Christians.”
Salvador Cordova reacted by saying these types of “loose words” show that one of David Platt’s top pastors at McLean Bible Church does not know how to bridle his tongue.
Cordova said, “Yes, torching of white people. Such intemperate feelings and words are not becoming a lead pastor. Mike Kelsey is my brother in Christ but until he simmers down and has a little more bridling of his tongue to prevent making such intemperate remarks, I’m voting he gets benched and put on the practice squad until he learns how to bridle his tongue. This is not good for the church to have such loose words coming out of a lead pastor for culture and preaching’s mouth.”
The video also shows Kelsey attending a march in Washington, DC and holding a Black Lives Matter sign.
Cordova said the “Black Lives Matter movement fomented a lot of misplaced rage against whites and caused riots” in some of America’s biggest cities.
He said on the YouTube video that Kelsey’s racial preaching alienated many longtime McLean Bible Church members.
Salvador Cordova is an Apologist whose YouTube channel focuses on Apologetics. He attends McLean Bible Church.
According to his YouTube channel, Cordova “has 5 science degrees including an MS in biology and an MS in Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins University. His undergrads were from George Mason in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering with a minor in Music, Mathematics with a minor in Physics.”
What does this say about David Platt’s leadership?
Cordova raises many important points in the video. You should watch all of it. It is only about 13 minutes. When you do, you’ll see a man worried about the leadership of his beloved church. This is a church where he dedicated himself to helping Christians appreciate the reasonableness and evidence for their Christian faith. Apologetics is one of the most important mission fields for today’s church in America.
What we must also ponder is the fact that David Platt has promoted Kelsey to Lead Pastor of Culture and Preaching at McLean Bible Church.
What does this say about David Platt?
What does this say about the new crop of elders that David Platt vouched for as “biblically qualified?”
Can you trust anything David Platt says?
What if there are serious character allegations against one of the elder nominees?
Would that change your vote?
Bottomline: You can’t trust David Platt to tell you the truth or pick men who meet biblical qualifications for pastor. McLean Bible Church needs regime change.