This allegation of Election Tampering by an SBC Entity must be investigated.

Kevin Ezell used the power of the North American Mission Board to turn out voters for Ed Litton, according to the Washington Post. That means Cooperative Program dollars—many from churches supporting Mike Stone or Randy Adams or Al Mohler—were used to elect the new Woke President of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Washington Post reported, “One insider said NAMB has been pouring money into getting urban church leaders to the annual meeting to get enough votes to secure the presidency for Ed Litton, an Alabama pastor who has promoted work on racial reconciliation. Litton’s wife, Kathy, heads NAMB’s ministry for wives. A NAMB spokesman said it will send 150 church planters to the meeting this year.”

 The 150 church planter number is low for the total NAMB turnout, according to what sources told the Capstone Report. As our source pointed out: NAMB invited many more than that figure, provided a wide range of financial incentives and invited not only the planter but also their wives, etc. The number will be much larger when a final analysis is made.

It was a massive turnout effort that used your money to swing the election toward someone who called concerns about Critical Race Theory a hoax.

As Todd Starnes said, this type of misuse of Cooperative Program money requires NAMB answer questions.

“A simple question for NAMB leaders: Is this reporting from the Washington Post accurate? Starnes asked. “If so, how much Cooperative funding was used to support this effort? Southern Baptists of all stripes deserve to know if their tithes and offerings are being used to support presidential political campaigns.”

This allegation published by the Washington Post must be investigated.

Southern Baptists need a full accounting of the money used to swing the election.

How much collusion was there between the Litton Campaign and Kevin Ezell?

It looks to be significant collusion between an entity spending your tithes and offerings.

The effort to buy Woke voter turnout by NAMB was only part of its strategy.

Kevin Ezell made sure that Litton was platformed at various SEND events across the country. As these photographs illustrate.

Also, Litton was boosted by a lunch meeting in Arkansas paid for by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) and swag provided by NAMB.

What fills this with irony is that both Greenway and Ezell owe their positions to Al Mohler. Mohler elevated both men and both men actively worked against their former chief. We call this the Tragedy of Al Mohler, or why Al Mohler was not elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention.

There is no doubt that Litton is Kevin Ezell’s man. The campaign was bought and paid for by Ezell—well, bought and paid for by your Cooperative Program dollars.

Southern Baptists must demand answers. This looks like corruption.

Are you going to let these SBC Elites get away with it?