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Baptist Press quoted NIF rep who wrote blog for Soros Open Society

Want to know how desperate Baptist Press and its Evangelical Elite employers are to hide the truth about the Evangelical Immigration Table’s historic and undeniable connections with George Soros funded entities? It quoted a National Immigration Forum employee who wrote a blog about the Evangelical Immigration Table for the Soros Open Society Foundation.


The National Immigration Forum is so separate, and so totally not connected to the Open Society Foundation that Ali Noorani penned a blog for the George Soros grant giving foundation.

And it was Noorani who denied in Baptist Press that the Evangelical Immigration Table has benefitted from Soros funding.

However, this is absurd. The NIF itself certainly benefitted from the funding. And the NIF was instrumental in creating the Evangelical Immigration Table. In fact, the money historically totals much more than the two percent number claimed by numerous Evangelical defenders.

This is where it gets confusing. And interesting. Follow the money.

We know that in 2009 and 2010, the Open Society Foundation provided at least $2.5 million to the National Immigration Forum. Though it is no longer available on the Open Society website, thanks to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, here is the record of the two-year grant.

However, the Soros support (and for that matter other liberal support) was likely even higher.

The Blaze reported on this issue and verified the following numbers. The actual grant numbers from Open Society Foundation to NIF were verified by The Blaze in a 2013 story that includes a great quote from Richard Land on the reported Soros connection. Land reportedly said, “If God can use the jawbone of an ass to achieve His purpose, He can use George Soros, too.”  

According to the Blaze, in 2009, Soros provided grants of $1.757 million and another $1.5 million in 2010.

In 2009, the National Immigration Forum’s entire budget was $4.6 million making the Soros grant about 38 percent of its budget. Of its total spend in 2009, the National Immigration Forum expended $3.7 million on lobbying efforts, according to its 2009 990 Form.

In 2010, Soros funds were a larger percent of the NIF’s total revenues. The NIF had total revenues of $3.24 million. Soros provided grants totaling $1.5 million or about 46 percent of the NIF’s funding.

So much for two percent.

According to the same Blaze report, the NIF claimed Soros funding had dropped to about 10 percent of the NIF’s total budget by the 2013 launch of the Evangelical Immigration Table. However, even the NIF admitted the roots of the Evangelical Immigration Table dated back to 2011—as the NIF was raking in huge funding from the Soros Open Society Foundation. Also, the Blaze noted,

“Again, one could argue that Open Society Foundations’ financial gifts to NIF enable the organization to operate, regardless of the amount given, and that any staff time (Noorani says that the time it takes to support the group is minuscule and that faith leaders and partner groups have devoted their own staff time to its operations) is, in a sense, coming from at least a portion of Soros’ money.”

And this doesn’t even explore Soros funding of other participants in the Evangelical Immigration Table. Like Jim Wallis of Sojourners—the infamous Evangelical rented by Leftists.

Hey, Wallis even lied about support from Soros—notice a trend among Evangelicals hiding their relationship with Soros:

“After Olasky and the National Review‘s Jay Richards confronted this claim by Wallis, Wallis admitted he made an incorrect statement to Patheos and that he was accepting Soros money. ‘I should have declined to comment until I was able to review the blog post in question and consulted with our staff on the details of our funding over the past several years,’ Wallis said in a statement.

“’Instead, I answered in the spirit of the accusation and did not recall the details of our funding over the decade in question. The spirit of the accusation was that Sojourners is beholden to funders on the political left, which is false. The allegation concerned three grants received over 10 years from the Open Society Institute that made up the tiniest fraction of Sojourners’ funding during that decade–so small that I hadn’t remembered them.’”

The question for Southern Baptists now—why are so-called conservatives in the SBC trying to hide the historic, open and notorious connection of George Soros to the National Immigration Forum?

And of course, what else does Big Evangelicalism have to hide?

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