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Pimp My Cube (or Office)

This post brought to you by Contest Factory. All opinions are 100% mine.


Work in a dreary cubicle? Have a smelly, boring office stacked with boxes and papers? Then why not enter the Pimp My Cube Contest for a chance to improve that office or workspace or cubicle. You can visit the contest website Pimp My Cube Contest to enter.

The contest seeks videos of the most miserable workspaces in America and in exchange gives entrants a chance to win a workspace makeover. The grant prize is worth about $1,200 with a choice of three prize packages including a new high-end computer system or new office furniture featuring a desk, chair and decorations or a new entertainment package featuring a high-end stereo system and espresso machine and more.

I’ve had more than my share of bad workplaces. One newspaper office where I worked was a converted house with the dingiest desks you could ever imagine. The previous occupant of my desk had sort of sweated stains onto his keyboard that would not come off with any amount of alcohol. I purchased a new keyboard that I couldn’t really afford just starting a new job. This contest would have been awesome back then.

You enter by shooting video of that miserable work environment and uploading it to the website. You get everyone you know including friends, family, coworkers and even people you know on the Internet to vote for your entry video.

Votes are one part of determining the grand prize. The judges at Contest Factory make the decision based other factors too including the quality of the video entry and the story you tell on it. That is an important part of the process and before shooting the video take time to craft your narrative to explain all the reasons why your workspace is so bad and needs a makeover.

You can use a webcam or smartphone to shoot the video and upload it via the contest’s web site interface. But remember, the story you tell about the space plays a vital role along with the images. Watch the above embedded Youtube video to get an idea of what a contest video could look like.

Even if you don’t win the grand prize, there is a $200 gift card sweepstakes prize that every registered user has a chance at winning in the random drawing. 

So, visit the Pimp My Cube Contest and enter your video and be sure to tell your friends.

1 thought on “Pimp My Cube (or Office)”

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