The Worldwide Leader wants everyone to know it had nothing to do with the recent round of conference realignment drama. ESPN released a statement blaming all the trouble on college presidents.
ESPN’s statement according to Richard Deitsch via Twitter, “The driving force on realignment lies with the conferences and universities. The Big 12 determined in 2010 to grant each of its schools the ability to create their own networks. As a result, the Big 12 stayed together and University of Texas made the decision to launch its network. ESPN subsequently won a competitive bid to become its media partner. We have since seen Kansas State and Missouri create opportunities while Oklahoma is exploring its media options. The concept of LHN remains the same as it was 15 months ago.”
The concept remains the same. Yep. It sure does.
The concept including high school football games sent Texas A&M to the SEC. The concept to enrich Texas at the expense of everyone else in the Big 12 has done nothing to help the situation.
ESPN is completely innocent. All it did was wave a big stack of cash at Texas.
Just like a John to a prostitute—and what is a better analogy to describe the state of college football today than a prostitute?
ESPN should not be condemned for corrupting college athletics. It was already corrupt. ESPN just wants it share of the fun.
This is why I hate ESPN.
They have NO legitimate competition.
CBS, you say???
Please. Don’t come at me with a network who’s face is that of Vern Lundquist.
ESPN is the proverbial 800 lb. gorilla. They crap where they want to.
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