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As Alabama goes so goes the American economy?

As Alabama goes, so goes the rest of the economy? That is an interesting question Bloomberg poses in this report on Alabama: Microcosm of America.

Alabama’s economic problems mirror the entire nation’s economic distress. The weather damage claimed hundreds of lives and did billions in damage, according to this Bloomberg report. The report also explains the Japanese earthquake has hit car production in the state with production at one plant dropping from 1,300 per day to about half that number. However, Honda is expected “to return to full production by the end of the month,” according to the video report you can watch below.

Bloomberg also examines Alabama’s economic development strategy of landing big foreign manufacturing companies like Honda, Mercedes, Hyundai, ThyssenKrupp and others to locate in the state. It has been manufacturing leading growth as the country emerges from the severe economic downturn. Watch the video report below for more on the state and the economy. While this isn’t football, it is an interesting report on the state.

Mike McKee reports on the outlook for Alabama’s economy on Bloomberg Television’s “InsideTrack.”

1 thought on “As Alabama goes so goes the American economy?”

  1. I think that it is worth pointing out that the taxpayers paid for these jobs. The taxpayer paid or is paying for any improvements at these plants.
    We are buying Jobs.

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