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Pat Dye gives Chizik vote of confidence

How do you know things are bad in Auburn?

Maybe when former Auburn coach Pat Dye gives you a vote of confidence over your character. Pat Dye told the AP, “Gene’s a great character guy,” former Auburn coach Pat Dye said. “He’s got a trail, and I think you’ll find the same thing at every spot.” You can read more of the spin from the AP:

7 thoughts on “Pat Dye gives Chizik vote of confidence”

  1. A vote of confidence from Pat The Pimp Dye? That’s the kiss of death. Why is it even neccesary? Nobody believes Cheeze Butt was involved in this fiasco. Is he being set up to be the fall guy? Looks like it to me! Bwaa Haww Haww! RTR!

  2. chiz,
    The reason you were hired is because Pat, Jimmy, and Booby needed a face up front while they ran the show behind the scenes. Tommy T wouldnt let them do it, so tehy hired Gene Chizik to be their patsy.

  3. Arighty then!
    Lets get one of historys most prolific cheaters to validate the current coaching staff.
    And oh, yeah.
    Troopa Thuga is the biggest joke in football.
    If you are going to pay that much money hire a a rapper. Not a rapper wanna be.

  4. I’m serious dude. When that dumbass ran out onto the field to keep Fartly from doing something stupid, I thought sure as hell a fan had come onto the field to kick his ass! There’s no place in college football for that shit. No wonder Awbies team is full of crooks and thugs. 90% of rap songs are about nothing else but violence, anti-authority, killing and sex. The sex part is ok. Bwaa Haww Haww! RTR!

  5. Maybe the ‘ole “Iron Liver” knows his health is failing and he gives the thumbs up for Cheez-Dik and passes before Aubarn has to go on probation.

    Pat Dye Field in Jordan-Hairy Nuts.

  6. Yeah. lets just trot out Pat Dye like he is some football elder statesman that everyone respects…..what an absolute joke. Nobody of any real intellect has any respect for Pat f***king Dye.
    The man is an embarressment to the entire SEC. World renown as an old gaurd cheater who’s only claim to fame is almost made Auburn a contender through steriods, paying players and giving them diplomas for doing absolutely nothing..

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