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More on Kenny Rogers interview

Here is the AP’s story with the latest on Camgate: “A former Mississippi State player who worked with agents says Cecil Newton told him it would take anywhere from $100,000 to $180,000 for his son, Cam, to sign a scholarship with Mississippi State. Kenny Rogers told ESPN radio in Dallas on Thursday that when he and Cecil Newton met with two MSU coaches at a hotel in Starkville, Miss., last Nov. 27, one of the coaches said, “No, no I don’t want to hear that,” when Cecil Newton asked about the payment for Cam Newton to attend Mississippi State.” Below you can read the rest of the AP report.

7 thoughts on “More on Kenny Rogers interview”

  1. Again, Rogers has more irons in the fire than a blacksmith. If he’s jerking around low level NFL agents for money, what would he do with MSU and a four star Qback, whom he “represents”. Another ploy for easy Monet while dragging Newton through the mud. Sounds like a credible guy that Ian Fatsimmons, a Bammer homer is best friends with. Makes a lot of sense now, let’s imply AU paid too. Every accusation so far including academic cheating has been swatted down just like the pathetic Crimson Tide this year. UF academic department OFFICIALLY said they had no ideas what Thug Mayer was talking about. Sounds to me like the REC has a hand in paying for Rogers to change his story.

    Just thinking out loud.

  2. Yes of course. rogers and the rest of the folks are just lying.
    We know from newton’s history that he is an absolute law abiding citizen. Everyone just picks on that poor young man.

  3. And, no, BamaH – the academic cheating was not “swatted down” – it is on the record. Just because everyone at Plainsville wants to believe that Cam walked on the water from FL to AU doesn’t mean we all get to put on the rubber shoes. I haven’t seen this much worship of a person with a serious character problem since the election of Bill Clinton. If this Rogers guy is lying, then he is doing it in a BIG way, and has involved some mighty big players in the sports information world. The question all you Aubies get to ask yourselves over and over and over and over is: “Oh, crap – what’s if he’s telling the truth?” Me – been there, done that, got the vacated wins. Good luck BamaHater.

  4. Alas, I feel compassion for the poor Auburn fans when all of this is proven true. NOT…..They can’t even entertain the fact that all of this could possibly be true. Even if Auburn is not envolved, Cam is! Take the blindfolds off and get your fingers out of your ears.

  5. Well said Smurf and Damage.

    And Ian Fatsimmons a Bammer? Not hardly. Part of the reason he didn’t stay at JOX is because most Alabama fans were tired of his constant comments about losing to La Monroe “yellow school bus”. And, Ian got run because he made fun of Saban and Finebaum prior to the 2009 season and advertisers got pissed. Ian is a Bama alumnus, but only a fan of himself.

    Another swing and miss for “Bamahate”.

  6. This is just too funny. Sorry I find no pity for the Auburn fans, man you guys can’t catch a good break. Of course I find a lot more enjoyment out of watching this play out than I really should. Just waiting for the mass suicides from the Auburn fanbase once the dust settles.

    Next year, Cam will be gone, possibly Malzahn, and Bama has the number one Jr. College player coming on defense. Plus next years team will have something to prove as well. The future is looking bright, not so much for Auburn. Enjoy it while it lasts!

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