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Picture of the day

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Arrrrgh! Chop block, me hearties!!!

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11 thoughts on “Picture of the day”

  1. Crimsonite from the planet Crimson in a galaxyfarfar away. FormerlyE.G. White

    Comment, not caption. For all of you who may have wondered what the Barner football program is really worth. Well now you can stop wondering. We now have concrete, unrefutable proof. It is worth about the price of a used strech limo similar to the one they used for illegal recruiting, or to be more specific – $35,000. Which is what Alabama paid Georgia State to move the game to Thursday so we have time to prepare to stomp the Barnies arses. Bwaa Haww Haww! ROTFLMAO! RTR!

  2. Yeah….thats a pretty gay photo. But hey, I imagine it was n some sort of trip (legal of course) when they went to Florida for the bowl game ??? Anyways, If I were you eggy, I probably wouldnt be bragging about having to move Georgia State on the count of Auburn. That is more gay than the above photo.

  3. The obvious celebration over Northwestern in regard to their “3” wins – you know . . . to up their Win-Loss stats for 2009 – LMFAO! ITK strikes again with the revealing truth.

  4. Crimsonite from the planet Crimson in a galaxyfarfar away. FormerlyE.G. White

    That’s an awful lot of talking about gay. Don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not bending over in the shower if the Indian is around. As far as Georgia State is concerned, I think it’s cool. Never in the history of college football has a team played 6 games out of 7 where those 6 teams had open dates before the game. You add to that your biggest rival having 2 weeks to prepare and Bama only 3 days after Sunday rest and it goes beyond absurd to criminal. I say, “Thank God for Georgia State!” It’s money well spent. Maybe we should take back the brick. LMAO! RTR!

  5. Hmmmm…..Says the dude who uses the word sperm in every other sentence ? Beleive me egg, you are safe in the shower or anywhere else for that matter. the Indian is straight as a strang….

    And I am pretty sure those pics were taken before the game, not after.

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