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Bad idea: The NCAA strikes again

How do you know an NCAA innovation is a bad thing? When a man and coach of the integrity of Duke’s Mike Kryzewski says so.

From the AP:” Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski still thinks the formula may expect too much from coaches when it comes to players leaving early for the NBA. ‘What control do you have over them if they go early? So then you should go back to the semester preceding, I think, when you did have control. Was he in good academic standing?’ Krzyzewski said. ‘I mean, you have no control. Are you going to make them come back and go to class?'” (read more in the report on APR and what some coaches think about the push toward accountability.)

1 thought on “Bad idea: The NCAA strikes again”

  1. Dear Coach K.
    Why do you even bother to answer or rebut anything the NCAA says.
    Lets face it there offices must be located on Mars. And they have forgotten everything that would remotely have common applicable sense here on planet earth.
    They are the College sports equivalent to a POPE who smokes methanphetimine.
    Pull your head in and forget it Mikey.
    They dont even know we are here.


    The almightytmc1

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