Not content with picking on Urban Meyer, Lane Kiffin decided to attack Alabama Crimson Tide coach Nick Saban.
According to Chris Low of ESPN, “Kiffin also took aim at Alabama coach Nick Saban and suggested that Saban should “thank” new Tennessee assistant Lance Thompson for the Crimson Tide’s No. 2-ranked class. Thompson was one of Saban’s best recruiters at Alabama before leaving to join the Tennessee staff in January. Thompson even got into the act and assured the crowd that Saban wasn’t going to get another one of his players.”
Consider all of Thompson’s bridges burned. Can we expect more tawdry details to emerge now of Thompson’s indiscretions? No doubt. Tennessee’s staff is already a laughingstock with even Volunteer message board posters exposing the comedy that is Ed Orgeron. Thompson’s dirty laundry probably won’t add to the staff’s luster.
Thompson was saved from the junk yard by Saban.
He should be kissing Nick Saban’s boots.
So far neither Lame Kitten nor Coach 519 have impressed me with their big mouths.
36-0, 29-9 etc etc
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Cooper, I assume you’re talking about Chizik when you say Coach 519. When has Chizik demonstrated a “big mouth”?
julio. Dont respond to Copper. Hes retarded, and therefore not worth the effort of arguing with. Its really kind of unfair.
Kiffin is such and idiot. The old saying applies here….Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are an idiot, than open it and remove all doubt.
Julio, that’s one thing we can say about Chizik is, thus far, he’s quietly getting the job done — and he’s doing so in all fairness and showing class along with it, unlike Lame “Shula” Kiffin.
We’ll see how much he’s missed when Saban brings us another top class next year, and plants his foot in Lame’s ass. Seriously, who does Kiffin think he is? You’ve already pissed of Spurrier. Then Meyer. Now Saban? Those are the three coaches you should be doing all you can to partner up with… I just can’t wait to hear his crying whenever they pay him back by running the score up early on in the third quarter.
Julio, I agree with you about Chizik, he has been publicly ridiculed and is just going about business as usual, hats off to him for persevering, I just naturally dislike him because he is an Aub, It is just something I have to do. Kiffin’s immaturity is just showing and will come back to bite him in his ass.
Ya know — the media is forgetting that Kiffin punked the BBQ boy Eddie Gran with a quote of somewhere along the lines of “ya’ll owned Mobile” or somn like that — even KoW KolLeGe got punked — Kiffin still thinks Gran is on Auburn’s staff!! LMAO — let the soap opera continue….
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