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Talladega bad for your health?

I’m not a NASCAR fan, but I never knew attending a race could be bad for your health. According to this report, Congressional staffers were told to get vaccinated for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza.

Of course working for Congress, I suppose the staffers already had their rabies and distemper shots.

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Franchione trouble deepens was offline this morning as Texas A&M’s athletic director announced the status of the university’s investigation into the VIP Connection newsletter. According to A&M it took these actions:
Directed Dennis Franchione to discontinue the web site.
Directed Dennis Franchione or any company under his control to no longer employ any staff members that could be construed as representing Texas A&M or providing information or reports relative to his position as head coach at Texas A&M.
The institution will issue a letter of admonishment to Dennis Franchione.
The institution will reduce the permissible number of off-campus contacts (NCAA limit of 6) for each referenced prospective student-athlete by one for each impermissible reference to the prospective student-athlete.

You can read all about the NCAA violations and what is happening at A&M by clicking here.

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