Tennessee seems intent on firing their successful coach Phil Fulmer. Talk about unrealistic expectations—here a guy won a national title and played in the SEC Championship game last season, but Vol fans want to fire him. It is bizarre. They are obviously living in the past. Don’t they understand that college football has changed? Are they trying to dig up General Neyland to coach again? Or Johnny Majors?

What? Majors is alive? I thought when Fulmer went Brutus on him, that the guy died. My bad.

AlabamaGameday.net took a look at the mind of the Volunteer nation by conducting a Q&A with a UT blogger. I especially enjoyed this part:

It’s going to be a recovery period, in my opinion, and Vols fans need to get ready for that. Hell, I need to get ready for that. I’m the chest-puffing Vols fan. I think we’re the greatest thing in college football, and we’re just not anymore. And Fulmer is a big reason for that, unfortunately. I think the powers that be see the writing on the wall.

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Fulmer was the problem?

Hmm. I guess Fulmer should’ve spent more time coaching and less time crying about Alabama. I recall many UT fans exulting in Alabama’s malaise of the last decade—much of that due to Fulmer’s detective work. Will Fulmer’s exit put an end to the bad blood between the fan bases? More importantly, who would want to coach at UT? Seriously, the SEC has changed. They aren’t as good as their fans like to think. Irrelevancy thy name is Tennessee.

3 thoughts on “Rocky Top Stuff”

  1. Where are all these nonsense talking Viles fans today, that were swarming the place after Shula’s firing?

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